Maintaining and Using Your Rain Barrel


What can rain barrel water be used for?

You can use rain barrel water to wash your car, water your lawn, or clean work boots and tools. Rain barrel water is naturally free of chlorine, lime, and calcium, and some gardeners swear their plants prefer it.

Rain barrel water is runoff from your roof, so do not drink it or use it for bathing! Disconnect your rain barrel if you need to use a moss killer on your roof. Wait for a few rainy days before reconnecting your rain barrel to allow the moss killer to rinse away. Do not use rain barrel water on plants if your home has a copper roof or gutters.

Oh No, Overflow!

Don't worry, your rain barrel is meant to overflow once it is full. Overflow water will spill from the opening on the top and the overflow fitting. Connect a hose to the overflow fitting to direct the water away from your house. You can also connect a second rain barrel to the first one using the included connecting hose and double the amount of water captured before it overflows.

Check on your rain barrel when it is raining to make sure the overflow is not causing flooding or flowing into your neighbor's property. If your rain barrel is properly installed on a pervious surface, overflow water should be absorbed into the ground. If you see water pooling on your property, consider installing a rain garden, which is a type of landscaping designed to absorb water.

Regular Maintenance

Regularly check your gutters, downspouts, rain barrel water intake screen, rain barrel mosquito screen and rain barrel spigot for leaks, obstructions or debris. Also, confirm that the lid is secure so children and animals cannot fall into the rain barrel.


Rain barrels may crack! Rain barrels must be disconnected and stored inside during the winter. Do not leave rain barrels outside as freezing temperatures can cause cracking in the barrels. Be sure to empty water and store the barrels in a shed, garage or basement during the winter.

Preventing Mosquitoes

Your rain barrel comes with a mosquito-proof screen under the lid. When the mosquito netting is intact, and there are no leaks where mosquitoes can enter the barrel, your rain barrel should be mosquito-free.
Remove accumulated water from the top of the barrel every 3-4 days during the rainy season. Mosquitoes need at least 4 days of standing water to develop larvae. If you believe mosquitoes may be breeding in your rain barrel, empty it completely and let it dry out to kill all mosquitoes.