2019 Update to the 2015–2020 Strategic Business Plan 
  The District’s Strategic Business Plan is used throughout the year to measure results and communicate progress to the Board of Commissioners and staff. This plan is reviewed and updated on an annual basis. It serves as a guiding document until it is replaced by a new Strategic Business Plan.

There have been significant achievements made during this Strategic Business Plan cycle. The 7.9 billion gallon Thornton Composite Reservoir came online in 2015 and the 3.5 billion gallon McCook Reservoir Stage 1 was placed in service in 2017. Together they provide 11.4 billion gallons of flood protection to residents and water quality improvements to the Chicago Area Waterways System. Also in 2015, the District received authority to recover resources from the treatment process and resell these assets to help offset treatment costs.

Becoming a sustainable partner in the region by recovering resources, lowering carbon emissions, creating new revenue streams and promoting resiliency are current goals. The District has an excellent soil enhancer product, nutrients, clean water and energy that can add benefit to our communities. The District’s real estate resources are being used to add value to the communities we serve. The District’s Mission Statement and Values continue to guide the District’s future. The District is excited to introduce the 2019 update to the Strategic Business Plan (pdf).