Veterans’ Preference

Eligible veterans shall be awarded additional points in accordance with Section 4.32 of the Statute if they attain a passing score in all phases of the examination. Points will be added to the final score for any successful candidate who served in any branch of the United States (U.S.) armed forces under honorable conditions, and all National Guard or military reserve activated by the Federal Government for the following periods of time.

September 16, 1940 through July 25, 1947
June 25, 1950 through January 31, 1955
August 5, 1964 through May 7, 1975
August 6, 1990 through present

Only military service during these time periods is eligible for veterans’ preference.

Applicants seeking the veterans’ preference must submit proof of their eligibility by providing Department of Defense form 214 (DD214) or similar documentation.

Veterans’ Preference Claim forms

Original Entrance applicants, click here.
Promotional applicants, click here.

District Employees: Veterans’ Preference points may be utilized only once on a promotional basis. An employee who receives a promotion from an eligible list on which he or she received veterans’ preference points, will not be eligible for veterans’ preference points on future examinations.