Yard Waste Collection Centers
Woodchips and Yard Waste Collection

Landscapers, tree trimmers, municipalities, parks and forest preserves, and waste haulers can apply to dispose of woodchips, grass clippings, brush, and leaves in an environmentally friendly matter. Materials received are used in the production of our exceptional quality (EQ) composted biosolids, a soil amendment rich in organic matter.

Materials can be delivered to the following collection centers, Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.:

Harlem Avenue Solids Management Area
7430 W. Portage Trail, Forest View, IL 60402

Cost: Woodchips – No Charge
  Vegetative Material (brush, grass clippings, leaves) – $10/ton ($10/load minimum)

Requirements: Woodchips should adhere to the requirements set forth in the MWRD’s Resource Recovery Ordinance. Woodchips should be processed to a size measuring less than one inch in two dimensions and must be brought in bulk (unbagged) and free of glass, gravel, plastic bags and other debris.

Want to become a supplier? To begin the process, please submit the following information to yardwaste@mwrd.org:

  1. Material Acceptance Agreement

  2. Truck Hauler Identification Form

Upon receipt, a representative from the MWRD will be in contact with you.

Questions? Email yardwaste@mwrd.org or call 708-588-4303.